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July's favorites: bathing suit

I know I've already posted about my love for black swimwear, but here I am again because I just love them, okay? And since my summer theme this year is all simple errrthang, I made sure it applied to the bathing suits as well.

I didn't even know that I was in a desperate need of new bathing suit, and when I went shopping all I could find were tacky colorful rhinestone swimwear (not that there's anything bad with it, it's just not my thing) but I expected that, since I've gone shopping in late summer and everything that I would've might liked has already sold out.So I decided that I'm gonna play it safe and went for a classic black high-waisted brasilian bathing suit.And guess what? I wouldn't have it any other way!

It may be plain to some, but I think when you pair it with a pair of fine shades, a hat and a fashionable beach bag (in my case a backpack) it can really look bomb dot com.But the best part of it is that its blackness compliments my complexion so well, I think that's the big reason behind my love for it.

How do you like yours? Colorful or one colored, like me? One piece or two? Gaahh I feel like there's so many options nowadays I can't even decide anymore.


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